42 events found.
Latest Past Events
GBBC Vacation Bible School 2024!!!!
Please join us for our 2021 Vacation Bible School July 16 - 18 from 6pm - 7:30pm Please use the following link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehKp7oYnx5GcWMVWN2zsWAhtgLPHuBskfLrHyFPomE0fxdSA/viewform
G.B.B.C Weekly Bible Study
Greater Beallwood Baptist Church 4419 Sherwood Ave., Columbus, GAJoin us in our weekly bible study as we study the "Fruit of the Spirit". We hope to see you there!!!!
Join Us Sunday September 8, 2019
Greater Beallwood Baptist Church 4419 Sherwood Ave., Columbus, GAJoin us Sunday morning at 11 AM as Pastor Adrian Chester delivers a Word from the Lord entitled: "What's Going on In Heaven?" Revelations 5