Pastor Adrian Chester’s 4th Anniversary
Greater Beallwood Baptist Church 4419 Sherwood Ave., Columbus, GA, GA, United StatesPlease join us as we celebrate our Lead Servant, Pastor Adrian Chester's, 4th Anniversary. Rev. Fred Miller of the Mt. Mariah Missionary Baptist church of Pittsview, Alabama will deliver the message.
Resurrection Concert
Greater Beallwood Baptist Church 4419 Sherwood Ave., Columbus, GA, GA, United StatesJoin us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with a spirit filled concert. The concert will take place on April 17, at 7pm in the sanctuary of the Greater Beallwood Baptist Church.
Resurrection Celebrations this Month at GBBC!!!!
Greater Beallwood Baptist Church 4419 Sherwood Ave., Columbus, GA, GA, United StatesResurrection Sunday
Please join us as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Join us Sunday, August 25, 2019 @ 11 AM
Greater Beallwood Baptist Church 4419 Sherwood Ave., Columbus, GA, GA, United StatesJoin us Sunday morning at 11 AM as Pastor Adrian Chester delivers a Word from the Lord entitled: "No Longer Bound" Romans 8: 1-16
Join Us Sunday September 8, 2019
Greater Beallwood Baptist Church 4419 Sherwood Ave., Columbus, GA, GA, United StatesJoin us Sunday morning at 11 AM as Pastor Adrian Chester delivers a Word from the Lord entitled: "What's Going on In Heaven?" Revelations 5
Join us October 6, 2019
Greater Beallwood Baptist Church 4419 Sherwood Ave., Columbus, GA, GA, United StatesJoin us Sunday morning at 11 AM as Pastor Adrian Chester delivers a Word from the Lord entitled: A Left Handed Blessing Judges 3: 12-28
G.B.B.C Weekly Bible Study
Greater Beallwood Baptist Church 4419 Sherwood Ave., Columbus, GA, GA, United StatesJoin us in our weekly bible study as we study the "Fruit of the Spirit". We hope to see you there!!!!
Breast Cancer Awareness Recognition, Sunday October 20, 2019
Please join us and wear something Pink in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, on Sunday October 20, 2019 at 11 AM.