We will resume in person worship services on Sunday, March 6, at 10am Please view the re-entry video. Re-Entry Video

Our Pastor


Pastor Adrian J. Chester

In his classic book, The Prophets, scholar Joshua Abraham Heschel describes a prophet as one who identifies with the pity of God, is stirred by the heartbeat of God, and is called to be the uncompromised mouthpiece of God. This notable description epitomizes the life of the Reverend Adrian J. Chester. A gospel preacher, teacher and friend to all who may grace his presence, Reverend Chester has been a modern day Isaiah, preaching God’s good news to the poor, binding up the broken hearted and proclaiming liberty to the captives.

Reverend Chester was born January 2, 1991 in Columbus, Georgia and is a graduate of the G. W. Carver High School. He serves as Pastor of Greater Beallwood Baptist Church in Columbus, Ga. Adrian has been blessed to encounter many people who have had a major influence in his life. In addition to his loving family, the most influential people have been Reverends Willie L. Hill, Robert E. Buckner, J. C. Harris, Sr., Mr. Christopher B. Lindsey and Ms. Lisa Norris.

He has been affiliated with a number of civic and religious organizations, to include Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. (Lambda Iota Chapter), the Mount Calvary Baptist Association, Greater Columbus Urban League Board member, Leaders of Today and Tomorrow, Columbus Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and United Negro College Fund.

Adrian is married to Desire’ Chester and they have two daughters Madison and Morgan. Reverend Chester is a graduate of American Baptist College (Main Campus) in Nashville, Tennessee where he received the B.A. degree in Religious Studies with a concentration in Pastoral Care. Rev. Chester has earned the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree from Morehouse School of Religion of the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Ga. Reverend Chester realizes that he can plan anything in the world; however, it is God who ordains his plans. He holds close to his heart God’s Word as recorded in 2nd Timothy 4:17 “But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength so that I might preach the Good News in its entirety for all the Gentiles to hear. And the Lord rescued me from certain death.”